Crema Marfil Coto® vanity tops are perfect for all types of decorative styles.

Combined with wooden furniture, Levantina’s Crema Marfil Coto® marble countertops magnify an elegant ambience. The gloss of their polished finish reflects the light like a mirror and counteracts some of the typically dark hues of wood. Crema Marfil Coto® is always a classic among Natural Stone countertops.

  • The warmth of cream marble in the home

In bathrooms, Crema Marfil Coto® marble countertops are the discerning choice for those who prefer a Natural Stone of uncontested quality in a homogeneous, light tone. Kitchens with wooden cabinets are always enhanced by the classic and timeless beauty of this marble.

  • The perfect marble for the bathroom

  • Unsurpassable in colour, texture and hardness

Nothing better for sidestepping the darkness of a windowless bathroom than a Crema Marfil Coto® countertop. The sheen of its polish reflects artificial light and fills the room with sparkle. And its immaculate appearance is perfect for the cleaning ritual.


  • Inalterable colours that last over time

  • Resistance to fire and heat

  • Luminosity (LRV)

All the advantages of Crema Marfil Coto®


Find the surface for countertops that best fits your needs.